Sunday, June 28, 2020

Revenue Group Berhad vs GHL System Berhad

Company Background

Revenue Group Berhad
  1. Listed on KLSE ace market in July 2018 for RM0.37:
    • Revenue and net profit for 2017 is RM25 million and RM7 million respectively. Share price is RM0.37.
    • Revenue and net profit for 2019 is RM58 million and RM9 million respectively. Share price is RM0.90.
    • Its revenue grew 132%, net profit grew 28%, share price increased 143%
  2. Products and services: 
    • Sales of EDC (Electronic Data Capture) Terminals and spare parts [Revenue: RM21 million, 37%].
    • Monthly rental/maintenance income of renting and maintaining EDC Terminals [Revenue: RM13 million, 21%]
    • Electronic Transaction Processing - net merchant discount rate (Net MDR) or commission earned from processing electronic transaction via the EDC Terminal and e-commerce (Net MDR earned as third party payment processor or master merchant) [Revenue: RM19 million, 34%].  
    • Solution & Services related to payment infrastructure:- commission earned on digital payment via e-commerce website, phone/utilities bill payment, game credits and etc [Revenue: RM3 million, 6%]
  3. 99.9% of their business are in Malaysia.
  4. 4 customers contributes 65% of its total revenue. 
  5. Director remuneration in 2019 is RM2.7 million [Revenue: RM58 million, net profit: RM9 million]

GHL Systems Berhad
  1. Listed on KLSE in 2003: 
    • In 2009, its revenue is RM57 million, net loss is RM6 million, share price is RM0.37
    • In 2019, its revenue is RM347 million, net profit is RM28 million, share price is RM1.67
    • Its revenue grew 508% while profit grew 566%. Share price increased by 352%
  2. Products and services: 
    • Transaction payment acquisition such as MyDebit payment, supporting e-wallet payment, internet payment solutions etc [Revenue: RM204 million, 60%]
    • Sales or rental of EDC terminals [Revenue: RM131 million, 37%]
    • Solution services such as consumer loyalty program, prepaid e wallet solution etc [Revenue: RM11.9 million, 3%]
  3. Malaysia contributes 78% of their business followed by Philippines 13%, Thailand 8% and others 1%. 
  4. No single customer contributes more than 10% of its revenue. 
  5. Director remuneration in 2019 is RM2.1 million [Revenue: 347 million, net profit: RM27 million]

Financial Backgrounds
  • Revenue's operating cash flow is low at RM2 million due to higher settlement on trade payable and increase in trade receivables. 

Future Prospect

Revenue Group Berhad
  • Expand to Myanmar and Cambodia partner with local financial institution (no company set up in Myanmar and Cambodia yet).
  • In March 2019, Revenue acquire 70% in Buymall and 51% in AnyPay which contributes RM300k and RM150k of net profit to Revenue for 6 months. 
  • For more information on how Buymall and Anypay will compliment Revenue business:  
  • Opportunity to transfer to main board as Revenue has meet the RM20 million PAT requirement (2018 + 2019 + 2020). 

GHL System Berhad
  • Expand to Indonesia and Cambodia - acquiring 51% into Speed Pay PLC in Cambodia for RM8.4 million in 2019. SpeedPay commence operation and has a net loss of RM1.5 million in 2017. 
  • PT Pembayaran Elektronik Indonesia partner with Bank of Indonesia in February 2019 on transaction payment acquisition. 

  • Revenue Group Berhad: Average PE for REVENUE is 30. Based on its current EPS of 2.8 sen, at PE30, Revenue fair price should be RM0.84

  • GHL System Berhad: Average PE for GHLSYS is 47. Based on its current EPS of 3.19, at PE47, GHYSYS fair price should be RM1.49

 * Covid 19 has impacted the business model of REVENUE and GHLSYS significantly as consumers are unable to spend in shopping mall causing earnings from transaction processing segment to drop. Therefore a discount of 20% on fair price should seen reasonable. 

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